This is the day I joined the BATC which must surely be one of the best value amateur radio groups in the world. They produce a professional colourful quarterly journal CQ-TV with top quality practical technical articles and manage a growing global community of amateur TV enthusiasts. The BATC has become a focus for effort to take advantage of emerging technologies to generate quality digital TV signals at affordable costs and to explore the practical limits to reduced bandwidth to deliver still usable DATV signals, even over HF!

Full information about the BATC can be found at
The BATC hosts a detailed frequently updated members’ wiki with full information about DATV formats, hardware, software etc. It’s at
There is also a busy forum site at for help, information and the interchange of ideas.
Like all great amateur radio clubs they source and supply components and essentials for their DATV projects. I have started building the Portsdown DATV Transmitter and the MiniTiouner Receiver.
Hams living in the UK, Europe and Africa are also able to take advantage of the DATV facilities of the QO100 satellite. But even from distant Australia, we can at least watch the BATC QO100 DATV net live every Thursday night at 8pm UK time (generally 6am Friday in Eastern Australia) at which is full of focused technical discussion about DATV with occasional diversions to railways and antique carriage clocks!
By the way, all back numbers of CQ-TV over two years old are free to view and download from
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