Category: DATV

  • Portsdown 4 build – powering ahead

    Every day I seem to relearn the wisdom of the old saying – “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!’ – and how it truly applies to reassembling equipment. Here are the immediate tasks I’m addressing as components arrive:

  • Portsdown 4 build

    After quite a lot of time thinking through what my plans might be for the specific bands and modes with the Portsdown 4 I’ve spent a few hours over a couple of days drilling and nibbling holes in the panels. When I first built it a couple of years ago I only managed to make…

  • DATV and bands in VK

    Traditionally ATV and its associated analog 7 MHz bandwidth has been restricted to UHF and microwave bands, and bandplans have reflected that. With the global emergence of DATV and RBTV (reduced bandwidth TV) experimentation is now taking place on lower bands, down as far as 10m. During a recent radio club meeting where there was…

  • Portsdown 4 project back on track

    I’ve been building bits and pieces of what will become a digital amateur TV capability for just on five years! I lost my momentum after building a number of components and it’s only in the last few weeks I’ve found a renewed enthusiasm to get on with it! One of the main prods has come…

  • British Amateur TV Club

    This is the day I joined the BATC which must surely be one of the best value amateur radio groups in the world. They produce a professional colourful quarterly journal CQ-TV with top quality practical technical articles and manage a growing global community of amateur TV enthusiasts. The BATC has become a focus for effort…