Month: April 2010
Morse Alive!
Great BBC story on morse code from 2008, mentioned on the FT817 email list by Joe WB7VTY:
New CW learning resource
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!Beware the Jubjub bird, and shunThe frumious Bandersnatch!” But make sure to check out the new training section on the SKCC site featuring mp3 files prepared by John KF7BYU.So far the following texts are online, some in speeds ranging from 5 up to 50 wpm, along…
The KGD antenna
Via Julian G4ILO I came across a WSPRnet report from DM1RG on his success with a newly built KGD Antenna from the German site QRP Project. I had actually ordered their other antenna project (a Multiband Fuchs antenna that enables a single 41m wire to operate on all 8 HF bands) a few days ago and earlier tonight revisiting their site I…
CW Operator’s QRP Club Inc
I rejoined the CW Operator’s QRP Club Inc. after a long absence. I was surprised to discover I’m entitled to my original membership no #56. It’s probably been almost two decades. I have fond memories of the Lo-Key magazine, but I’m also keen to have a go at the club’s Milliwatts per Kilometre Award! 10,000km on 5W…
Samuel Morse’s 219th birthday
Samuel Morse was born 219 years ago. But of course credit for devising the code that bears Morse’s name goes to his assistant (machinist & inventor) Alfred Vail. His birthday is 25th September 1807.
International Marconi Day
Today is International Marconi Day. He was born on this day in 1874 in Bologna.
Extreme solar close-ups
Hot science news of the day is the series of startling close-up images of the sun in full roar. ABC Science has a story with local scientific analysis of the unprecedented pix provided by the Solar Dynamics Observatory which was only launched on 11 Feb this year. A comprehensive set of images and downloadable video clips is…
The Lost Tribes of Radio Shack
An article appeared on the WIRED site recently about the re-branding of RadioShack, a mirror of the same change happening to Australia’s iconic Dick Smith Electronics stores. The subtitle sums it up: ‘Tinkerers Search for New Spiritual Home’. ” The new bosses want to turn RadioShack into a hipper, more mainstream place for “mobility” — which is…
Wouxun KG-UVD1P
I’ve had my Wouxun KG-UVD1P for a few weeks. I ordered it from a Hong Kong based dealer for US$105! I also ordered a USB programming cable. The radio works well and has a very pleasant audio to listen to. However I was never able to get the original progrmming cable to work. I tried…
Start at 35wpm and you’ll copy at 25 in no time
Fantastic approach: “You can copy 25 wpm in three weeks, with just 15 min a day practice. Start at 35 and work down… You listen, and listen some more. Use the W1AW practice run that starts at 35 wpm. After a few weeks, 25 wpm will sound slow, and you should be able to write…
Ham Radio’s Technical Culture
Kristen Haring’s book “Ham Radio’s Technical Culture” is a fascinating coverage of an activity that gets precious little coverage in the mainstream. “”Although approximately one million Americans operated ham radios in the course of the 20th century, very little has been written about this thriving technical culture in our midst. Kristen Haring offers a deeply…
QOTD straight vs paddle
Quote of the Day from David N1EA in an exchange on the CW list about the merits of a CW newbie starting with a straight key or jumping straight onto a bug or paddle: “A paddle and speed key in the hand of someone who has no feel for Morse sounds pretty ugly when they…