[sourced from http://www.elecraft.com/KX1/KX1.htm]
The Elecraft KX1 is a light, multi-band CW station with internal battery and automatic antenna tuner.
It features top-mounted controls and a plug-in paddle.
The 4-band KX1 — with internal automatic antenna tuner, internal batteries, and clip-on keyer paddle — measures just 1.2 x 3 x 5.3 inches (3 x 7.5 x 13 cm), and the transceiver weighs just 9 ounces (11 ounces with both the optional ATU and keyer paddle installed).
The KX1 includes a superhet receiver with variable-passband crystal filter, RIT, S-meter, DDS VFO w/3 tuning rates, 3-digit display, memory keyer, battery voltage monitor, and a 1 to 4-watt transmitter with full QSK. The VFO covers the full 20 and 40 meter ham bands, with receive-only tuning of nearby SWL segments. 30 and 80 meters are available as options. (See KXB30 and KXB3080 options.)
KXB3080 Option Adds 30 M + 80 M and Wide Band RX Coverage
With the introduction of the KXB3080 option, the KX1 now covers up to four bands. The dual-band KXB3080 module, covering 80 and 30 meters, is installed in the same location as the 30-meter option (KXB30).
With the KXB3080 installed, the rig’s DDS VFO allows reception from 1.0 to 16.5 MHz, which includes many popular shortwave broadcast bands. While signals far outside the ham bands are slightly attenuated, it is still possible to copy strong stations even in the commercial AM broadcast band. The KX1 transmits only in CW mode, but can receive SSB and AM signals, thanks to its variable-passband crystal filter.
KX1 revision 1.02 firmware is included at no charge with the KXB3080 option (and is included with all KX1s shipped after Feb. 7, 2006. S/N 1373 and later) . The new firmware also adds a scanning feature, useful for monitoring quiet bands. Scanning proceeds in “live” (un-muted) fashion, allowing the operator to hear even very weak stations. In emergency situations, scanning could help the operator find a strong local station they could contact even with weak batteries or an inefficient antenna.
Low Current Drain Extends Operating Time
The KX1 draws typically 34 mA on receive. The LED display adds only 1 to 2 mA in low to moderate lighting conditions. (VFO frequency and switch presses can also be announced in audio Morse code.) Thanks to the low current drain, you can operate casually for some 20 to 30 hours from internal batteries at the 1 to 2 watt level.
With the KXAT1 ATU option installed, you can use a lightweight random-wire antenna, in many cases eliminating coax, poles, and loading coils. The KXPD1 paddle option weighs just 1 oz. and is reversible for left-/right-handed use.
- Elecraft Price List and On Line Order Page
- Shipping Status Page
- KX1 Manuals – See our Manual Download Page. (.pdf)
- QST KX1 Review (pdf) ARRL Members Web Page
- CQ Magazine KX1 Review (pdf)
- KX1 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Lightweight Transceiver Comparison Chart
- KX1 Data Sheet (pdf)
- KX1 Mini Log (picture) and template (pdf)
- KX1 and K2 Mini Op. Manuals from Nifty! Ham Accessories
- KX1 Reviews at eham (QRP Rigs)
- More KX1 Reviews at eham (HF Rigs)
With my particular KX1 I need to:
Finish adding all options to the KX1:
- Finalise testing KX1 PCB
- Build, test & install KXAT1 Internal ATU
- Build, test & install KXB3080 Option – to add 30 M + 80 M and Wide Band RX Coverage
- Build and install KXPD1 Paddle
Elecraft KX1
KX1 Data Sheet (pdf) | (248 KB) KX1 Data Sheet (July 2006) |
KX1 Ultra Portable CW Transceiver
KX1 Manual (.pdf) | (2.7 MB) KX1 Assembly and operations manual with schematics Rev E (May 21, 2010) ![]() |
KX1 Quick Reference (.pdf) | (80 kB) Single page reference to KX1 functions. (Extracted from the KX1 manual) |
KXAT1 Manual. | (390 kB) KXAT1 Autotuner assembly and operations manual with schematics. Production Release Rev A. (Oct 15, 2003) Manual Errata A-2 (1/7/04)KXAT1 F/W 1.2 upgrade description |
KXPD1 Manual (.pdf) | (340 kB) KXPD1 Paddle assembly and operations manual. Production ReleaseRev A. (Oct 15, 2003) |
KXPD1 Manual Errata (pdf) | (115kB) Errata KXPD1 Rev A-2 (June 23, 2006) |
KXB30 Manual (.pdf) | (1.1 MB) KXB30 30M option assembly and operations manual with schematics. Production Release Rev A. (Oct 15, 2003) Manual Errata A-1 (10/28/03) |
KXB3080 Manual (.pdf) | (761 kB) KXB3080 30M and 80M adapter assembly and operations manual with schematics Rev A (March 2006) |
KXB3080 Manual Errata(.pdf) | KXB3080 Manual Errata Rev A-1 (April 14, 2006) ( See Builder’s Alert) |