This is where I plan to link to sources of information about using the engine that drives this blog – the mighty and free WordPress. Like ham radio operators all WordPress users enjoy the benefits of an open source blogging and CMS program maintained and enhanced by a global community of users and developers who never sleep.
Key places to get WordPress help and wisdom include:
- The Codex –
- The Forums –
For this 2023 and beyond version of the blog – for the moment – I am using the standard Twenty Twenty-Three template. (I’m not yet decided which colour scheme I prefer!)
Changes I have made from the default setup include:
Changed date format – [Admin > Settings > General > Date format] selected ‘Custom’ and use code ‘l jS F Y T’ for ‘Wednesday 4th October 2023 AEDT’ for posts, as per
Changed permalink settings – [Admin > Settings > Permalinks] from ‘Plain’ to ‘Post name’.